Social MediaMarketing

Social media is one of the most cost-effective and popular marketing channels in China. You can generate noise around you and encourage sharing by producing quality content for users. It gives social media users a peek into what your company offers and a chance to interact with you or your staff as well. KOLs can help build a sense of trust around your product. Having a KOL on your side can convince users regarding the benefits of your product and encourage trial purchases. Content marketing is essential in social platforms. In today’s fast-paced environment, content isn’t read, it’s watched. We carefully craft innovative, creative social media campaigns, which embody your values and convey your messages.

Western Social

Based on our research, there are:

•Nearly 1 million Chinese residents in the UK, mainly are Cantonese

•Over 160,000 Chinese students are studying in the UK

•Holiday travelers from China have spent about £1 billion in 2019

Our comprehensive understanding on tradition, trends and constant connection with this  segments enable us to provide reliable service, such as managing multilingual fan pages on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram for your company.

Chinese Social

We have extensive experience with WeChat, Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book). 
To get started with your marketing strategy in China, we truly suggest that every company should consider applying a WeChat official account. There’s no other app like WeChat in the world. It is deeply ingrained in China’s social fabric and functions like Instagram, WhatsApp, Venmo, Uber, and Twitter all in one. It’s every Chinese marketer’s go-to platform and has over one billion registered accounts, 650 million active users; 70 million of which are outside China.